About Amanda-Marie Howard

Amanda-Marie is a newer LA Chargers fan, having entered the fandom in 2018. The bond further deepened in 2020 when she won her office’s fantasy football league with Justin Herbert at the helm. Amanda holds a Bachelors in English from Vassar College and an MFA in Creative Writing and Literature from Stony Brook University. She currently resides on Long Island in New York. Amanda has written in various mediums over the years and her writing can be found in TSR:The Southampton Review and 34th Parallel Magazine. She’s also a contributor for Film Pulse, where she writes reviews on upcoming indie releases. In her spare time, she can be found debating football with her father, who is the inspiration for her love of the game.

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Credit: Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
With a new head coach and new supporting characters, Justin Herbert's star should rise again in 2024.
Credit: Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
The Los Angeles Chargers running backs are setup to reach some great heights this year.
Credit: Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
This is a make it or break it season for the Los Angeles Chargers Edge Chris Rumph