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LA Podfidential Podcast
Episode 84: Chauncey, Wes, and Bryan discuss the explosive Washington Post story, Jerry Jones punting on Dak, and a whole…
LA Podfidential Podcast
Episode 75: Wes and Chauncey celebrate the release of the NFL Schedule and discuss what they've been watching during the…
LA Podfidential Podcast
Episode 65: Bryan returns to help Chauncey and Wes talk about the beginning of the NFL offseason, "The Batman", and…
LA Podfidential Podcast
Episode 64: Wes and Chauncey talk about the Super Bowl, off-season rumors, the Oscars, "Birds of Prey", then rank the…
LA Podfidential Podcast
Episode 58: Wes and Chauncey breakdown the desperate Rams and struggling Cowboys. Later they talk about "The Mandolorian" and Tom…
LA Podfidential Podcast
Wes and Chauncey bid farewell to Andrew Luck, recap a loaded weekend from D23, review the trailer for "The Joker"…
LA Podfidential Podcast
Episode 47: Wes and Chauncey discuss the Jaylon Smith deal, injures to Derwin James and Micah Kizer. They talk #savespiderman…
LA Podfidential Podcast
Wes, Chauncey, and Bryan discuss all the cowboys drama, Steven Jackson's career, movie trailers, and their favorite car chase scenes.
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell
Roger Goodell is the NFL commissioner. Jerry Jones is the owner of the Dallas Cowboys. They have some issues currently.…
Roger Goodell
The NFL boycott is wrapped in politics but there are five perfectly justifiable non-political reasons boycotting the league is morally…