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Now that the NFL draft is over, let the rookie betting begin! The Los Angeles Rams’ first first-round selection since

A top priority of USC Football’s 2024 offseason was to right the defensive ship. The fastest way to do that

Former USC Trojans and 2024 Los Angeles Chargers draft pick, Brenden Rice started Day 2 of the NFL Draft by

Reuben Unije joined the Bruin Bible podcast this week to talk about his experience since transferring to UCLA football earlier

The Los Angeles Chargers went into the draft needing to pick a receiver. While they subverted some expectations by passing

The Los Angeles Chargers have beefed up their running back room through free agency and now through the draft. This

The Los Angeles Chargers did a great job addressing their biggest team needs through the draft and free agency all

USC Football’s defensive line coach, Eric Henderson continues to reel in big recruits. This week it is Justin Hill, a

Chris Hummer and Matt Zenitz of 247 Sports have learned that UCLA football’s offensive tackle Bruno Fina has entered the