Is Sheamus Career Winding Down Due To Injury?

Celtic Warrior
Sheamus Photo Credit: Anton - Under Creative Commons License

The WWE rumor mill has it that Cesaro’s solo career has been put on hold in order to extend the life of The Bar. Reportedly the decision was made to give some extended time to Sheamus’ career.

Sheamus’ ability to compete as a solo competitor is in question due to a nagging and serious neck injury. For more than six months Sheamus has been dealing with spinal stenosis, the same condition that forced Edge into retirement. Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spinal canal in the neck. The injury can change the way the spinal cord functions. It can also cause pain, stiffness, numbness, or weakness in the neck, arms, and legs. In some cases, it can affect control of your bowels and bladder.

Sheamus has been using a neck harness to rehab the injury, but the injury continues to give him serious and painful issues.

Recently the 6’4 Irishman made what he calls a “brave change” in his workout routine. His new workout routine involves street training and MMA. The new workouts have pushed him to his physical limits but apparently, have done nothing to improve his neck issues.

When the symptoms of neck stenosis become moderate or severe doctors often recommend surgery to decompress the spinal cord. The condition can at times be managed through nonsurgical means, but it has been 6 months and the nonsurgical options don’t seem to be working for the Celtic Warrior.

Over the past couple of weeks, Sheamus has made and shared some “outlandish” videos on Twitter and Instagram. Unable to take an icy plunge to celebrate the holidays in his homeland of Ireland, Sheamus put on a pair of very short Santa Boxers and fur trimmed boots and had a friend videotape him jumping into a lake in Tennessee in single digit temps.

Another video shot in Canada shares a completely naked Sheamus breaking the naked snow angel record of 39 seconds. Sheamus made it to the 50-second mark and two days later he shared a video of himself making more snow angels in his tighty whities. These videos could be seen as his way of staying in the spotlight.

Though Cesaro did not join Sheamus in his body-baring antics, the duo has become extremely close while teaming up and traveling together. Cesaro doesn’t appear to mind putting his solo push on the back burner to help his buddy prolong what is left of his wrestling career. This friendship is clearly an exemplary example of Bro Goals.

What the future holds for the Grand Slam Champion is uncertain, but what we do know is whatever path Sheamus takes, he will conquer like the Celtic Warrior that he is.

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