Sports Al Dente WWE SmackDown Summary: 4/3/18

SmackDown Summary
SmackDown Summary

SmackDown Summary

Its the last WWE show before WrestleMania. With Shane McMahon, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn promised for tonight, great things are in store. Also in store is Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ Styles teaming up in which should be an interesting segment. Join us for a great episode as we provide our WWE SmackDown Summary.

 Opening Segment

The night starts with Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon. Shane congratulates Bryan on being cleared to compete. Shane claims that he has also been medically cleared and he’s ready to tag with Bryan at Mania. The pair apologize to each other for being so stubborn and they “hug it out.”

They claim that at WrestleMania, they will “beat the holy hell” out of Owens and Zayn.

Charlotte vs. Natalya

We come back from commercial to find the match already started. The two go back and forth during the majority of the match. The match is interrupted by Carmella, who seems to be cashing in her money in the bank briefcase. Charlotte gets Carmella out of the ring before she can officially cash it in,  then puts Natalya in the Figure Eight and gets the win.

Before she can leave, Charlotte is interrupted by Asuka. The two trade barbs and go face-to-face before they disperse out of the ring.

Rusev vs. Jinder Mahal

Bobby Roode is introduced on commentary. Rusev and Mahal tussle as we cut to commercial. We come back from commercial to find Mahal in control. The two go back and forth late until Rusev hits Mahal with the Matcha Kick for the win.

After the match, Rusev gets hit with an RKO by Randy Orton and afterward, Orton and Roode go face-to-face showing mutual respect.

8-Man Tag

Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley start the match. Multiple tags are made during the match, getting everyone in the match at least once. Everyone takes a turn getting tossed over the top, a prelude to the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal match. Corbin hits the End of Days on Fandango, getting the win.

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

The two interrupt SmackDown and say that even though they’re fired, SmackDown is still the Sami & Kevin show and that on Sunday, they’re going to obliterate Bryan and McMahon.

Shinsuke Nakamura & AJ Styles vs. Chad Gable & Shelton Benjamin

Shinsuke and Gable start the match. Nakamura and Styles argue, which leads to Gable and Benjamin to take the boots to the duo as we cut to commercial. Shinsuke gets the hot tag coming out of commercial and goes on a tear until a knee to the face from Benjamin, which allows Gable to take control.

Benjamin puts Nakamura in hold after hold. Styles gets the hot tag, hits the Phenomenal Forearm on Gable to get the victory.

After the match, Benjamin attacks Shinsuke. Shinsuke fights off the attack. Meanwhile, Styles goes for the Forearm on Nakamura, but pulls up short, tapping Shinsuke on the head instead.


An okay SmackDown episode before WrestleMania. The night turned out to be an ad for WrestleMania and the WWE Network. Good promo segments and okay matches made this a mediocre go-home show.

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